Read this VentureBeat article about how Ponder addresses the Pandas scalability problems and news about our $7M seed fundraise!
VentureBeat: Ponder addresses Pandas scalability challenges with new tools
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Oct 23, 2023
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We are excited to announce Snowflake’s intent to acquire Ponder to bring Ponder’s Python data science innovations to its customers and to accelerate the growth of the Modin community.
Oct 3, 2023
Professional Pandas: Handling Missing Data With Pandas Dropna
This is the fifth in a series of blog posts that teach how to write professional-quality pandas code. We start by discussing pandas dropna generally and going over a simple example. Then we talk about identifying missing values, when to drop data, and how to drop entire rows that are missing.
Sep 19, 2023
How To Use pandas resample on a Database
In this article, we describe pandas resample + provide some examples, and then show how you can use it at scale in your database.