Professional Pandas: Indexing with Pandas Loc

Matt Harrison

Jan 13, 2023 27 min read

Professional Pandas: Indexing with Pandas Loc image

Introduction to Pandas Loc

In this post, I describe how Pandas loc (.loc) can be used for advanced indexing. We start by reviewing basic indexing and slicing in Pandas. We then dive into .loc, and explore how this indexing attribute can be used to select and filter data in your DataFrames. Along the way, I provide simple and complex examples to help you understand how Pandas loc works, and discuss common gotchas to watch out for. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of how to use Pandas loc to access data. I will cover Pandas iloc (.iloc) in a future article.

This is the third piece in our Professional Pandas series on teaching best practices about writing professional-grade Pandas code. If you have questions or topics that you would like to dive into, please reach out on Twitter to @ponderdata or @__mharrison__, and if you’d like to see the notebook version of this blogpost, you can find it on Github here.

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Pandas Loc
  2. The Data for Our Examples
  3. The Basics on Indexing and Slicing with Pandas
  4. What Is Pandas Loc, and What Inputs Does it Accept?
  5. How to Use Pandas Loc with Each Input Type
    1. Part 1: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Scalars
    2. Part 2: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Lists
    3. Part 3: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Slices
    4. Part 4: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Boolean Arrays
    5. Part 5: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Indexes
    6. Part 6: Using Pandas Loc with Functions as Indexers
  6. Using Loc with Modin
  7. Conclusion

The Data for Our Examples

For our examples, we will use Los Angeles crime data.

See below for descriptions of the relevant columns, taken directly from the data producer’s data dictionary:

  • DR_NO (Plain Text) Division of Records Number: Official file number made up of a 2 digit year, area ID, and 5 digits
  • Date Rptd (Date & Time) - MM/DD/YYYY
  • DATE OCC (Date & Time) - MM/DD/YYYY
  • TIME OCC (Plain Text) - In 24 hour military time.
  • AREA NAME (Plain Text) - The 21 Geographic Areas or Patrol Divisions are also given a name designation that references a landmark or the surrounding community that it is responsible for. For example 77th Street Division is located at the intersection of South Broadway and 77th Street, serving neighborhoods in South Los Angeles.
  • Crm Cd (Plain Text) - Indicates the crime committed. (Same as Crime Code 1)
  • Crm Cd Desc (Plain Text) - Defines the Crime Code provided.
  • Mocodes (Plain Text) - Modus Operandi: Activities associated with the suspect in commission of the crime. See attached PDF for the list of MO Codes in numerical order.
  • Vict Age (Plain Text) - Two character numeric
  • Vict Sex (Plain Text) - F - Female M - Male X - Unknown
  • Vict Descent (Plain Text) - Descent Code: A - Other Asian B - Black C - Chinese D - Cambodian F - Filipino G - Guamanian H - Hispanic/Latin/Mexican I - American Indian/Alaskan Native J - Japanese K - Korean L - Laotian O - Other P - Pacific Islander S - Samoan U - Hawaiian V - Vietnamese W - White X - Unknown Z - Asian Indian
  • Premis Cd (Number) - The type of structure, vehicle, or location where the crime took place.
  • Premis Desc (Plain Text) - Defines the Premise Code provided.
  • Weapon Used Cd (Plain Text) - The type of weapon used in the crime.
  • Weapon Desc (Plain Text) - Defines the Weapon Used Code provided.
  • Status (Plain Text) - Status of the case. (IC is the default)
  • Status Desc (Plain Text) - Defines the Status Code provided.
  • Crm Cd 1 (Plain Text) - Indicates the crime committed. Crime Code 1 is the primary and most serious one. Crime Code 2, 3, and 4 are respectively less serious offenses. Lower crime class numbers are more serious.
  • LOCATION (Plain Text) - Street address of crime incident rounded to the nearest hundred block to maintain anonymity.
  • Cross Street (Plain Text) - Cross Street of rounded Address
  • LAT (Number) - Latitude
  • LON (Number) - Longtitude

Let’s load the data.

 In [1]:
import pandas as pd
url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(url)

The Basics on Indexing and Slicing with Pandas

Before we dive into .loc, it's important to review some basic indexing and slicing in Pandas. In Pandas, a DataFrame is a two-dimensional size-mutable tabular data structure with rows and columns. You can think of it like a spreadsheet or an Excel sheet.

To access a specific column in a DataFrame, you can use square brackets (e.g. df[col]). This is called index access and will return a series in Pandas. Let's get the Crime Description column.

 In [2]:
df['Crm Cd Desc']

 Out [2]:
Name: Crm Cd Desc, Length: 632390, dtype: object

Note that we can also access a single column by attribute access IF the column has a valid Python attribute name. Meaning that the column must start with an alphabetic character or underscore and the rest of the name must be alphanumerics or underscores. Because Crm Cd Desc has spaces, we will get an error when we try to access it:

 In [3]:
df.Crm Cd Desc

 Out [3]:
  File "", line 1
    df.Crm Cd Desc
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

However, we can access the AREA column this way:

 In [4]:

 Out [4]:
0          3
1          1
2          1
3         15
4         19
632385     3
632386    10
632387    10
632388    11
632389    16
Name: AREA, Length: 632390, dtype: int64

Note that I generally try to have attribute-friendly column names or update them if they are not. Most code editing environments for Python have better completion on attribute access, and for that reason I tend to use it.

We can also pull out multiple columns if we pass in a list of column names instead of a scalar. This returns a dataframe.

 In [5]:
df[['DATE OCC', 'AREA', 'Vict Age']]

 Out [5]:
        DATE OCC                  AREA    Vict Age
0       01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM    3       36
1       01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM    1       25
2       02/13/2020 12:00:00 AM    1       0
3       01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM    15      76
4       01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM    19      31
...     ...                       ...     ...
632385  08/02/2022 12:00:00 AM	  3       34
632386  12/01/2022 12:00:00 AM	  10      68
632387	02/09/2022 12:00:00 AM	  10      0
632388	02/08/2022 12:00:00 AM	  11      0
632389	02/14/2022 12:00:00 AM	  16      61
632390 rows × 3 columns

What Is Pandas Loc, and What Inputs Does it Accept?

Pulling out a subset of columns is fine, but you might also want a subset of rows. Neither index access nor attribute access will give you that. However, the focus of this article, Pandas loc (and .iloc in future articles), allows you to pull out columns and rows.
Here is the key thing to remember about Pandas loc, and if you remember anything from this article, remember this: .loc allows you to pull out rows and columns by label name.
What even is .loc? It is a property. A property could be a post of its own, but in short, it allows you to call a method without parameters (or parentheses). When you say df.loc, pandas is actually running the .loc method and returning the result of it (which is a _LocIndexer).
How do I know all of this? Well, I looked at the source code for Pandas. (This is really easy in Jupyter, just type df.loc?? and run the code. Jupyter will pull up the source code when you put ?? after your code.)

It being a property is not particularly interesting. Perhaps the more interesting part is the docstring which describes how you can index off of the property.

What the Loc Documentation Says About Allowed Inputs

Allowed inputs are:

  • A single label, e.g. 5 or 'a', (note that 5 is interpreted as a label of the index, and never as an integer position along the index).
  • A list or array of labels, e.g. ['a', 'b', 'c'].
  • A slice object with labels, e.g. 'a':'f'.

    warning:: Note that contrary to usual python slices, both the start and the stop are included

  • A boolean array of the same length as the axis being sliced, e.g. [True, False, True].
  • An alignable boolean Series. The index of the key will be aligned before masking.

  • An alignable Index. The Index of the returned selection will be the input.

  • callable function with one argument (the calling Series or DataFrame) and that returns valid output for indexing (one of the above)

One more thing to be aware of that the docs don’t make clear. (This is also confusing because this is completely different from how indexing normally occurs in Python.) The inputs to the index include both a row indexer and an optional column indexer. You separate these by a comma. Keep that in mind through the following examples.

How to Use Pandas Loc with Each Input Type

Now I will walk you through how to use Pandas loc with each of the above input types, and will turn to the crime data as real-world example data. Note that this data has the default index, the RangeIndex, which is a monotonic increasing integer value.

Part 1: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Scalars

In this case, we will select the row with label 5. (Note that I highlighted label, because remember Pandas loc indexes by label and not by index! Even though in this example the index labels also happen to be the same as the index position.) The integer 5 inside the square brackets is used to select the row with label 5 in the DataFrame.
The syntax for indexing with .loc is df.loc[row_indexer, column_indexer]. In this case, row_indexer is the label 5, and column_indexer is not specified, so all columns are selected.

Here is the code:

 In [6]:

 Out [6]:
DR_NO		200100501
Date Rptd	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM
DATE OCC	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM
Rpt Dist No	163
Part 1-2	1
Crm Cd		121
Mocodes		0413 1822 1262 1415
Vict Age	25
Vict Sex	F
Vict Descent	H
Premis Cd	735.0
Weapon Used Cd	500.0
Status		IC
Status Desc	Invest Cont
Crm Cd 1	121.0
Crm Cd 2	998.0
Crm Cd 3	NaN
Crm Cd 4	NaN
Cross Street	NaN
LAT		34.0452
LON		-118.2534
Name: 5, dtype: object
This might not look like a row. However, because we asked for a single index value, it gave us a row and used a Series to represent it.
One thing to be aware of is that if the row with label 5 does not exist in the DataFrame, this code will raise a KeyError. In this example, we try to pull out a row with the non-existent label of Crm Cd 1.

 In [7]:
df.loc['Crm Cd 1']

 Out [7]:
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 df.loc['Crm Cd 1']
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
    930             maybe_callable = com.apply_if_callable(key, self.obj)
--> 931             return self._getitem_axis(maybe_callable, axis=axis)
    933     def _is_scalar_access(self, key: tuple):
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in _getitem_axis(self, key, axis)
   1162         # fall thru to straight lookup
   1163         self._validate_key(key, axis)
-> 1164         return self._get_label(key, axis=axis)
   1166     def _get_slice_axis(self, slice_obj: slice, axis: int):
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in _get_label(self, label, axis)
   1111     def _get_label(self, label, axis: int):
   1112         # GH#5667 this will fail if the label is not present in the axis.
-> 1113         return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis)
   1115     def _handle_lowerdim_multi_index_axis0(self, tup: tuple):
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in xs(self, key, axis, level, drop_level)
   3774                 raise TypeError(f"Expected label or tuple of labels, got {key}") from e
   3775         else:
-> 3776             loc = index.get_loc(key)
   3778             if isinstance(loc, np.ndarray):
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
    386                 except ValueError as err:
    387                     raise KeyError(key) from err
--> 388             raise KeyError(key)
    389         return super().get_loc(key, method=method, tolerance=tolerance)
KeyError: 'Crm Cd 1'

In the next example we will select a single column. In this case, row_indexer is a slice with a start and end index of :, which selects all rows, and column_indexer is the label ‘Crm Cd 1’, which selects the column with that label.

Here is the full code:

 In [8]:
df.loc[:, 'Crm Cd 1']

 Out [8]:
0         624.0
1         624.0
2         845.0
3         745.0
4         740.0
632385    354.0
632386    331.0
632387    510.0
632388    510.0
632389    331.0
Name: Crm Cd 1, Length: 632390, dtype: float64
Notice that the row selector for the example was a single colon, :. This syntax might seem weird, but it is actually a slice. You could rewrite this slice as 0:len(df), indicating to take all of rows.

Part 2: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Lists

In our next example, the row_indexer is a list of labels [0,1,2], which selects the rows with those labels, and column_indexer is not specified, so all columns are selected.

Here is the full code:

 In [9]:

 Out [9]:
	DR_NO		Date Rptd		DATE OCC		TIME OCC	AREA	AREA NAME	Rpt Dist No	Part 1-2	Crm Cd	Crm Cd Desc					...	Status	Status Desc	Crm Cd 1	Crm Cd 2	Crm Cd 3	Crm Cd 4	LOCATION	Cross Street	LAT		LON
0	10304468	01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM	2230		3	Southwest	377		2		624	BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT			...	AO	Adult Other	624.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		1100 W 39TH PL	NaN		34.0141		-118.2978
1	190101086	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	330		1	Central		163		2		624	BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT			...	IC	Invest Cont	624.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		700 S HILL ST	NaN		34.0459		-118.2545
2	200110444	04/14/2020 12:00:00 AM	02/13/2020 12:00:00 AM	1200		1	Central		155		2		845	SEX OFFENDER REGISTRANT OUT OF COMPLIANCE	...	AA	Adult Arrest	845.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		200 E 6TH ST	NaN		34.0448		-118.2474
3 rows × 28 columns

In this next example, we will return all of the rows and two columns, AREA and TIME OCC.

 In [10]:
df.loc[:, ['AREA', 'TIME OCC']]

 Out [10]:
0	3	2230
1	1	330
2	1	1200
3	15	1730
4	19	415
...	...	...
632385	3	10
632386	10	1800
632387	10	1530
632388	11	2000
632389	16	1800
632390 rows × 2 columns

Now let’s combine using a list of row labels and column labels:

 In [11]:
df.loc[[0,1,2], ['AREA', 'TIME OCC']]

 Out [11]:
0	3	2230
1	1	330
2	1	1200

Part 3: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Slices

Now we will dive more into passing slices into row and column selectors. Again, this example is passing in two slices separated by the comma.

In this case, the syntax df.loc[0:2, 'TIME OCC':'Part 1-2'] is used to select the rows with labels 0, 1, and 2, and the columns with labels from 'TIME OCC' to 'Part 1-2', inclusive, in the DataFrame.

 In [12]:
df.loc[0:2, 'TIME OCC':'Part 1-2']

 Out [12]:
0	2230		3	Southwest	377		2
1	330		1	Central	        163		2
2	1200		1	Central	        155		2
One gotcha to be aware of is that slicing with Pandas loc is inclusive. It includes the stop value. Normal Python doesn't behave this way. If I slice a string with 0:2, it uses the half-open interval, returning values from index 0 up to but not including 2.

 In [13]:
>>> 'hello'[0:2]

 Out [13]:

You can also pass in Python lists with boolean values for the index and column selectors. These lists need to be the same size as the index and columns respectively. In practice, I don’t find that I use this option too often, but for completeness I will show it here.

One place where this is useful is if you have a bunch of columns that have the same prefix/suffix/substring. For example, this dataset has a bunch of columns with Crm in them. This example pulls out every third row and selects only the columns that have a 'Crm' in the them.

 In [14]:
df.loc[[True if i%3 == 2 else False for i in range(len(df))],
       [True if 'Crm' in col else False for col in df.columns]]

 Out [14]:
	Crm Cd	Crm Cd Desc						Crm Cd 1	Crm Cd 2	Crm Cd 3	Crm Cd 4
5	121	RAPE, FORCIBLE						121.0		998.0		NaN		NaN
8	341	THEFT-GRAND ($950.01 & OVER)EXCPT,GUNS,FOWL,LI...	341.0		998.0		NaN		NaN
14	442	SHOPLIFTING - PETTY THEFT ($950 & UNDER)		442.0		NaN		NaN		NaN
...	...	...							...		...		...		...
632375	510	VEHICLE - STOLEN					510.0		NaN		NaN		NaN
632378	341	THEFT-GRAND ($950.01 & OVER)EXCPT,GUNS,FOWL,LI...	341.0		NaN		NaN		NaN
632381	310	BURGLARY						310.0		998.0		NaN		NaN
632387	510	VEHICLE - STOLEN					510.0		NaN		NaN		NaN
210796 rows × 6 columns

I would probably just write the list comprehension for the column selector in the previous example as:

    [col for col in df.columns if 'Crm' in col]

Part 4: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Boolean Arrays

In this next example we pass in what the docs call an alignable boolean Series. Often this is called a boolean array in the real world (which comes from NumPy). In the Pandas context, a boolean array is a series with true/false values that has the same index as another dataframe or series.

In this example, row_indexer is a boolean array created by comparing the values in the AREA NAME column to the string 'Central' using the == operator. Only the rows where the value is True are selected. The column_indexer is not specified, so all columns are selected.

 In [15]:
df['AREA NAME'] == 'Central' # boolean array

 Out [15]:
0         False
1          True
2          True
3         False
4         False
636127    False
636128    False
636129    False
636130    False
636131    False
Name: AREA NAME, Length: 636132, dtype: bool
You can use a boolean array directly in .loc. This should return only the rows from the *Central* area.

 In [16]:
df.loc[df['AREA NAME'] == 'Central']

 Out [16]:
	DR_NO		Date Rptd		DATE OCC		TIME OCC	AREA	AREA NAME	Rpt Dist No	Part 1-2	Crm Cd	Crm Cd Desc					...	Status	Status Desc	Crm Cd 1	Crm Cd 2	Crm Cd 3	Crm Cd 4	LOCATION		Cross Street	LAT	LON
1	190101086	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	330		1	Central		163		2		624	BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT			...	IC	Invest Cont	624.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		700 S HILL ST		NaN	34.0459	-118.2545
2	200110444	04/14/2020 12:00:00 AM	02/13/2020 12:00:00 AM	1200		1	Central		155		2		845	SEX OFFENDER REGISTRANT OUT OF COMPLIANCE	...	AA	Adult Arrest	845.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		200 E 6TH ST		NaN		34.0448	-118.2474
5	200100501	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	30		1	Central		163		1		121	RAPE, FORCIBLE					...	IC	Invest Cont	121.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		700 S BROADWAY		NaN		34.0452	-118.2534
6	200100502	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	1315		1	Central		161		1		442	SHOPLIFTING - PETTY THEFT ($950 & UNDER)	...	IC	Invest Cont	442.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		700 S FIGUEROA ST	NaN		34.0483	-118.2631
7	200100504	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	40		1	Central		155		2		946	OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CRIME			...	IC	Invest Cont	946.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		200 E 6TH ST		NaN		34.0448	-118.2474
...	...		...			...			...		...	...		...		...		...	...						...	...	...		...		...		...		...		...			...		...	...
632334	220123144	10/24/2022 12:00:00 AM	10/20/2022 12:00:00 AM	1930		1	Central		159		1		330	BURGLARY FROM VEHICLE				...	IC	Invest Cont	330.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		1500 JESSE ST		NaN		34.0362	-118.2325
632336	220112110	05/10/2022 12:00:00 AM	01/10/2022 12:00:00 AM	1150		1	Central		195		2		354	THEFT OF IDENTITY				...	IC	Invest Cont	354.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		100 W 17TH ST		NaN		34.0329	-118.2631
632340	220107479	03/01/2022 12:00:00 AM	02/28/2022 12:00:00 AM	1400		1	Central		129		1		330	BURGLARY FROM VEHICLE				...	IC	Invest Cont	330.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		400 N VIGNES ST		NaN		34.0511	-118.2334
632360	220106541	02/13/2022 12:00:00 AM	02/13/2022 12:00:00 AM	1745		1	Central		145		2		624	BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT			...	AO	Adult Other	624.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		100 E 5TH ST		NaN		34.0471	-118.2474
632361	220118304	08/15/2022 12:00:00 AM	08/14/2022 12:00:00 AM	420		1	Central		195		1		310	BURGLARY					...	IC	Invest Cont	310.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		1400 S MAIN ST		NaN		34.0351	-118.2614
41748 rows × 28 columns

You can see that rows with index label 3 and 4 are missing because those rows didn’t have crimes in the Central area.

 In [17]:
df.loc[[3,4], ['AREA NAME']]

 Out [17]:
        AREA NAME
3	N Hollywood
4	Mission

We can also use a boolean array (or alignable boolean Series as the docs call it) for the column selector. It is normal to think of a boolean array for the index selector, a True or False value for each row with the same index. What is a boolean array for the column selector?

To use a boolean array for a column selector you would have a Series that had the column names in the index and True or False values.

In this example, we will select all the columns that have more than the median number of unique column entries.

First, let’s calculate the number of unique entries for each column.

 In [18]:

 Out [18]:
DR_NO		632390
Date Rptd	1091
AREA		21
Rpt Dist No	1191
Part 1-2	2
Crm Cd		137
Crm Cd Desc	137
Mocodes		219372
Vict Age	101
Vict Sex	4
Vict Descen	19
Premis Cd	309
Premis Desc	306
Weapon Used Cd	79
Weapon Desc	79
Status		6
Status Desc	6
Crm Cd 1	139
Crm Cd 2	120
Crm Cd 3	35
Crm Cd 4	6
Cross Street	8884
LAT		5363
LON		4953
dtype: int64

Then we will calculate the median of these values.

 In [19]:

 Out [19]:

The boolean array will be the columns where the number of unique values is greater than 137.

 In [20]:
df.nunique() > 137

 Out [20]:
DR_NO		True
Date Rptd	True
AREA		False
Rpt Dist No	True
Part 1-2	False
Crm Cd		False
Crm Cd Desc	False
Mocodes		True
Vict Age	False
Vict Sex	False
Vict Descent	False
Premis Cd	True
Premis Desc	True
Weapon Used Cd	False
Weapon Desc	False
Status		False
Status Desc	False
Crm Cd 1	True
Crm Cd 2	False
Crm Cd 3	False
Crm Cd 4	False
Cross Street	True
LAT		True
LON		True
dtype: bool
Let's use this boolean array as the column selector. We will use the slice, :, as the row selector to return all of the rows.

 In [21]:
df.loc[:, df.nunique() > 137]

 Out [21]:
	DR_NO		Date Rptd		DATE OCC		TIME OCC	Rpt Dist No	Mocodes		Premis Cd	Premis Desc					Crm Cd 1	LOCATION		Cross Street	LAT	LON
0	10304468	01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM	2230		377		0444 0913	501.0		SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING				624.0		1100 W 39TH PL		NaN		34.0141	-118.2978
1	190101086	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	330		163		0416 1822 1414	102.0		SIDEWALK					624.0		700 S HILL ST		NaN		34.0459	-118.2545
2	200110444	04/14/2020 12:00:00 AM	02/13/2020 12:00:00 AM	1200		155		1501		726.0		POLICE FACILITY					845.0		200 E 6TH ST		NaN		34.0448	-118.2474
3	191501505	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	1730		1543		0329 1402	502.0		MULTI-UNIT DWELLING (APARTMENT, DUPLEX, ETC)	745.0		5400 CORTEEN PL		NaN		34.1685	-118.4019
4	191921269	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	415		1998		0329		409.0		BEAUTY SUPPLY STORE				740.0		14400 TITUS ST		NaN		34.2198	-118.4468
...	...		...			...			...		...		...		...		...						...		...			...		...	...
632385	220314584	08/02/2022 12:00:00 AM	08/02/2022 12:00:00 AM	10		334		0100 1822 0922	501.0		SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING				354.0		4300 W 28TH ST		NaN		34.0311	-118.3335
632386	221017286	12/05/2022 12:00:00 AM	12/01/2022 12:00:00 AM	1800		1047		1822 0385	101.0		STREET						331.0		17200 BURBANK BL	NaN		34.1722	-118.5077
632387	221005507	02/10/2022 12:00:00 AM	02/09/2022 12:00:00 AM	1530		1024		NaN		108.0		PARKING LOT					510.0		18800 SHERMAN WY	NaN		34.2011	-118.5426
632388	221105477	02/10/2022 12:00:00 AM	02/08/2022 12:00:00 AM	2000		1171		NaN		101.0		STREET						510.0		4000 FOUNTAIN AV	NaN		34.0958	-118.2787
632389	221605448	02/15/2022 12:00:00 AM	02/14/2022 12:00:00 AM	1800		1613		0385 1300	101.0		STREET						331.0		12700 VAN NUYS BL	NaN		34.2755	-118.4092
632390 rows × 13 columns

Part 5: Using Pandas Loc to Index with Indexes

Let’s look at using an alignable index for selection. This consists of passing in an Index that has entries that correspond to entries in the dataframe.

 In [22]:
       pd.Index(['AREA', 'TIME OCC'])]

 Out [22]:
0	3	2230
5	1	30
100	1	2210

Why would you use this? In the example above it is just more typing that passing in a list to the row and column indexers.

I grepped through a bunch of my Pandas code to look for examples of this. Let me show two.

This first example comes from creating a dataset for machine learning. It creates the X dataset by dropping rows with missing values. To find the corresponding y labels we use the index from X. Note the line .loc[X.index].

 In [23]:
url = ''
possum = pd.read_csv(url, index_col=[0])
X = (possum
             'hdlngth', 'skullw', 'totlngth', 'taill', 
             'footlgth', 'earconch', 'eye', 'chest', 'belly']]
y = (possum
Here's one more example that combines the .intersection method of an Index to gather financial data where the we had the smallest openings and the largest gains.

 In [24]:
import pandas as pd
url = ''
tsla = pd.read_csv(url)
def get_smallest_open_largest_gain(df_):
    smallest = df_.nsmallest(10, 'Open')
    largest = df_.nlargest(10, 'Gain')
    return df_.loc[smallest.index.intersection(largest.index)]
 .astype({"Date": 'datetime64[ns]',
          "Adj Close":'float',
 .assign(Gain=lambda df_:df_.Close - df_.Open)

 Out [24]:
	Date		Open		High		Low		Close		Adj Close	Volume		Gain
18	2022-12-28	110.349998	116.269997	108.239998	112.709999	112.709999	221070500.0	2.360001
20	2022-12-30	119.949997	124.480003	119.750000	123.180000	123.180000	157304500.0	3.230003
19	2022-12-29	120.389999	123.570000	117.500000	121.820000	121.820000	221923300.0	1.430001
14	2022-12-21	139.339996	141.259995	135.889999	137.570007	137.570007	145417400.0	-1.769989
10	2022-12-15	153.440002	160.929993	153.279999	157.669998	157.669998	122334500.0	4.229996

Part 6: Using Pandas Loc with Functions as Indexers

Now comes the fun part and the brain-bending part: Passing in a function for the selectors. These come in very hand when you are chaining operations and the index has different values (very common with grouping operations).

Here is an example showing passing in a function that just returns a slice to get the labels from 0 through 10. Again, I don’t need to use a function here, but I’m showing it to introduce the concept before completely melting brains.

 In [25]:
def first_ten(df):
  return slice(0,10)
df.loc[first_ten]  # same as df.loc[0:10]

 Out [25]:
	DR_NO		Date Rptd		DATE OCC		TIME OCC	AREA	AREA NAME	Rpt Dist No	Part 1-2	Crm Cd	Crm Cd Desc						...	Status	Status Desc	Crm Cd 1	Crm Cd 2	Crm Cd 3	Crm Cd 4	LOCATION		Cross Street	LAT	LON
0	10304468	01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM	2230		3	Southwest	377		2		624	BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT				...	AO	Adult Other	624.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		1100 W 39TH PL		NaN		34.0141	-118.2978
1	190101086	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	330		1	Central		163		2		624	BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT				...	IC	Invest Cont	624.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		700 S HILL ST		NaN		34.0459	-118.2545
2	200110444	04/14/2020 12:00:00 AM	02/13/2020 12:00:00 AM	1200		1	Central		155		2		845	SEX OFFENDER REGISTRANT OUT OF COMPLIANCE		...	AA	Adult Arrest	845.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		200 E 6TH ST		NaN		34.0448	-118.2474
3	191501505	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	1730		15	N Hollywood	1543		2		745	VANDALISM - MISDEAMEANOR ($399 OR UNDER)		...	IC	Invest Cont	745.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		5400 CORTEEN PL		NaN		34.1685	-118.4019
4	191921269	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	415		19	Mission		1998		2		740	VANDALISM - FELONY ($400 & OVER, ALL CHURCH VA...	...	IC	Invest Cont	740.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		14400 TITUS ST		NaN		34.2198	-118.4468
5	200100501	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	30		1	Central		163		1		121	RAPE, FORCIBLE						...	IC	Invest Cont	121.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		700 S BROADWAY		NaN		34.0452	-118.2534
6	200100502	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	1315		1	Central		161		1		442	SHOPLIFTING - PETTY THEFT ($950 & UNDER)		...	IC	Invest Cont	442.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		700 S FIGUEROA ST	NaN		34.0483	-118.2631
7	200100504	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	40		1	Central		155		2		946	OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CRIME				...	IC	Invest Cont	946.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		200 E 6TH ST		NaN		34.0448	-118.2474
8	200100507	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	200		1	Central		101		1		341	THEFT-GRAND ($950.01 & OVER)EXCPT,GUNS,FOWL,LI...	...	IC	Invest Cont	341.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		700 BERNARD ST		NaN		34.0677	-118.2398
9	201710201	06/19/2020 12:00:00 AM	05/26/2020 12:00:00 AM	1925		17	Devonshire	1708		1		341	THEFT-GRAND ($950.01 & OVER)EXCPT,GUNS,FOWL,LI...	...	AO	Adult Other	341.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		11900 BALBOA BL		NaN		34.2864	-118.5021
10	200100509	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	2200		1	Central		192		1		330	BURGLARY FROM VEHICLE					...	IC	Invest Cont	330.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		15TH 			OLIVE		34.0359	-118.2648
11 rows × 28 columns
Unless I'm reusing the function in multiple places in my code, I generally will inline it with an anonymous function, a lambda.
This is the same code as above but it uses a lambda.

 In [26]:
df.loc[lambda ignore_df: slice(0,10)]

 Out [26]:
	DR_NO		Date Rptd		DATE OCC		TIME OCC	AREA	AREA NAME	Rpt Dist No	Part 1-2	Crm Cd	Crm Cd Desc						...	Status	Status Desc	Crm Cd 1	Crm Cd 2	Crm Cd 3	Crm Cd 4	LOCATION		Cross Street	LAT	LON
0	10304468	01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/08/2020 12:00:00 AM	2230		3	Southwest	377		2		624	BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT				...	AO	Adult Other	624.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		1100 W 39TH PL		NaN		34.0141	-118.2978
1	190101086	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	330		1	Central		163		2		624	BATTERY - SIMPLE ASSAULT				...	IC	Invest Cont	624.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		700 S HILL ST		NaN		34.0459	-118.2545
2	200110444	04/14/2020 12:00:00 AM	02/13/2020 12:00:00 AM	1200		1	Central		155		2		845	SEX OFFENDER REGISTRANT OUT OF COMPLIANCE		...	AA	Adult Arrest	845.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		200 E 6TH ST		NaN		34.0448	-118.2474
3	191501505	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	1730		15	N Hollywood	1543		2		745	VANDALISM - MISDEAMEANOR ($399 OR UNDER)		...	IC	Invest Cont	745.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		5400 CORTEEN PL		NaN		34.1685	-118.4019
4	191921269	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	415		19	Mission		1998		2		740	VANDALISM - FELONY ($400 & OVER, ALL CHURCH VA...	...	IC	Invest Cont	740.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		14400 TITUS ST		NaN		34.2198	-118.4468
5	200100501	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM	30		1	Central		163		1		121	RAPE, FORCIBLE						...	IC	Invest Cont	121.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		700 S BROADWAY		NaN		34.0452	-118.2534
6	200100502	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/02/2020 12:00:00 AM	1315		1	Central		161		1		442	SHOPLIFTING - PETTY THEFT ($950 & UNDER)		...	IC	Invest Cont	442.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		700 S FIGUEROA ST	NaN		34.0483	-118.2631
7	200100504	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	40		1	Central		155		2		946	OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CRIME				...	IC	Invest Cont	946.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		200 E 6TH ST		NaN		34.0448	-118.2474
8	200100507	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	200		1	Central		101		1		341	THEFT-GRAND ($950.01 & OVER)EXCPT,GUNS,FOWL,LI...	...	IC	Invest Cont	341.0		998.0		NaN		NaN		700 BERNARD ST		NaN		34.0677	-118.2398
9	201710201	06/19/2020 12:00:00 AM	05/26/2020 12:00:00 AM	1925		17	Devonshire	1708		1		341	THEFT-GRAND ($950.01 & OVER)EXCPT,GUNS,FOWL,LI...	...	AO	Adult Other	341.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		11900 BALBOA BL		NaN		34.2864	-118.5021
10	200100509	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	01/04/2020 12:00:00 AM	2200		1	Central		192		1		330	BURGLARY FROM VEHICLE					...	IC	Invest Cont	330.0		NaN		NaN		NaN		15TH 			OLIVE		34.0359	-118.2648
11 rows × 28 columns

Note that we can also pass in a function to the column selector, in this case we get an error because the columns are strings and the function trys to slice with numbers.

 In [27]:
df.loc[:, first_ten]

 Out [27]:
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-34-484bd8722f00> in <module>
----> 1 df.loc[:, first_ten]
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
    923                 with suppress(KeyError, IndexError):
    924                     return self.obj._get_value(*key, takeable=self._takeable)
--> 925             return self._getitem_tuple(key)
    926         else:
    927             # we by definition only have the 0th axis
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in _getitem_tuple(self, tup)
   1107             return self._multi_take(tup)
-> 1109         return self._getitem_tuple_same_dim(tup)
   1111     def _get_label(self, label, axis: int):
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in _getitem_tuple_same_dim(self, tup)
    804                 continue
--> 806             retval = getattr(retval,, axis=i)
    807             # We should never have retval.ndim < self.ndim, as that should
    808             #  be handled by the _getitem_lowerdim call above.
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in _getitem_axis(self, key, axis)
   1140         if isinstance(key, slice):
   1141             self._validate_key(key, axis)
-> 1142             return self._get_slice_axis(key, axis=axis)
   1143         elif com.is_bool_indexer(key):
   1144             return self._getbool_axis(key, axis=axis)
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/ in _get_slice_axis(self, slice_obj, axis)
   1175         labels = obj._get_axis(axis)
-> 1176         indexer = labels.slice_indexer(slice_obj.start, slice_obj.stop, slice_obj.step)
   1178         if isinstance(indexer, slice):
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in slice_indexer(self, start, end, step, kind)
   5683         slice(1, 3, None)
   5684         """
-> 5685         start_slice, end_slice = self.slice_locs(start, end, step=step)
   5687         # return a slice
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in slice_locs(self, start, end, step, kind)
   5885         start_slice = None
   5886         if start is not None:
-> 5887             start_slice = self.get_slice_bound(start, "left")
   5888         if start_slice is None:
   5889             start_slice = 0
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_slice_bound(self, label, side, kind)
   5795         # For datetime indices label may be a string that has to be converted
   5796         # to datetime boundary according to its resolution.
-> 5797         label = self._maybe_cast_slice_bound(label, side)
   5799         # we need to look up the label
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in _maybe_cast_slice_bound(self, label, side, kind)
   5747         # reject them, if index does not contain label
   5748         if (is_float(label) or is_integer(label)) and label not in self._values:
-> 5749             raise self._invalid_indexer("slice", label)
   5751         return label
TypeError: cannot do slice indexing on Index with these indexers [0] of type int

Here is the obligatory example with a function in the column selector.

 In [28]:
df.loc[:, lambda adf: slice('TIME OCC','Part 1-2')]

 Out [28]:
0	2230		3	Southwest	377		2
1	330		1	Central		163		2
2	1200		1	Central		155		2
3	1730		15	N Hollywood	1543		2
4	415		19	Mission		1998		2
...	...		...	...		...		...
632385	10		3	Southwest	334		2
632386	1800		10	West Valley	1047		1
632387	1530		10	West Valley	1024		1
632388	2000		11	Northeast	1171		1
632389	1800		16	Foothill	1613		1
632390 rows × 5 columns
Here is a more realistic example showing using a function in .loc in a chain of operations. Assume we want to understand how vehicle crimes occur over monthly periods. We could use some code like this.
This code uses several functions and methods from the Pandas library to clean, organize, and summarize data in a DataFrame. First, the .astype method is used to convert the data types of the 'Date Rptd' and 'DATE OCC' columns to 'Datetime64'. Then, the .groupby method is used to group the data by the 'DATE OCC' column and the 'AREA NAME' and 'Crm Cd Desc' columns. The .size method is then used to count the number of rows in each group, and the .unstack method is used to pivot the data so that the 'Crm Cd Desc' values become column labels.
Finally, the .loc indexer is used to select only the columns where the label contains the string 'VEHICLE'. We need to use a function to get the column labels because these columns come from the value of the Crm Cd Desc column. They were not columns in the original data frame.
The a_df parameter for the lambda function is the intermediate state of the data in the chain. It is the result of the .unstack method on the line above it.
I use functions all the time in .loc because I'm a big proponent of chaining your Pandas code to make it easier to understand. (See our article on chaining for more details on chaining.)

 In [29]:
 .astype({'Date Rptd': 'Datetime64',
          'DATE OCC': 'Datetime64',
 .groupby([pd.Grouper(key='DATE OCC', freq='M'), 'AREA NAME', 'Crm Cd Desc'])
      lambda a_df: [col for col in a_df.columns if 'VEHICLE' in col]]

 Out [29]:
2020-01-31	77th Street	75.0			NaN					9.0							3.0					17.0							49.0						2.0					4.0				NaN							123.0
		Central		144.0			NaN					NaN							1.0					16.0							31.0						1.0					NaN				1.0							45.0
		Devonshire	67.0			NaN					NaN							NaN					20.0							49.0						1.0					3.0				NaN							40.0
		Foothill	37.0			NaN					NaN							NaN					13.0							40.0						NaN					2.0				NaN							69.0
		Harbor		29.0			NaN					NaN							NaN					19.0							40.0					 	1.0					1.0				NaN							77.0
...		...		...			...					...							...					...							...						...					...				...							...
2020-06-30	Topanga		55.0			2.0					NaN							1.0					25.0							39.0						2.0					NaN				NaN							74.0
		Van Nuys	81.0			2.0					NaN							NaN					24.0							45.0						1.0					3.0				NaN							97.0
		West LA		80.0			1.0					NaN							NaN					32.0							32.0						NaN					1.0				2.0							62.0
		West Valley	51.0			NaN					NaN							2.0					23.0							37.0						NaN					3.0				NaN							79.0
		Wilshire	50.0			1.0					NaN							1.0					16.0							37.0						1.0					1.0				NaN							60.0
126 rows × 10 columns

A Practical Example of Pandas Loc

We will wrap up with a visualization of the previous analysis. I will dive into the Burglary from Vehicle column and plot that over time for the different Area Name values.

In this example, in the latter .loc I use a lambda function to move the Hollywood column to the end so that it appears on top of the other columns.

 In [30]:
def set_colors(df):
  global colors
  colors = ['#991111' if col == 'Hollywood' else '#999999' for col in df.columns]
  return df

ax = (df
 .astype({'Date Rptd': 'Datetime64',
          'DATE OCC': 'Datetime64',
 .groupby([pd.Grouper(key='DATE OCC', freq='M'), 'AREA NAME', 'Crm Cd Desc'])
 .loc[:, lambda adf: sorted(adf.columns, key=lambda col:1 if col == 'Hollywood' else -1)]
 .plot(color=colors, title='BURGLARIES FROM VEHICLE in LA')
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), ncol=2)

 Out [30]:

Using Loc with Modin

In Modin's pandas API, .loc works identically to the original Pandas. As you can imagine, this is tricky in a distributed dataframe system. There were a lot of new problems to solve:
  • What machine is a given row label on?
  • How do we know if a row is not on any machine and throw an error for the user?
  • How do we make this fast?
We solved all three of these by separating the dataframe's data from the Index and storing the Index close to the user for fast lookups with .loc. We maintain an internal mapping from the fast Index to the machine that the row is on. This way we can make the row lookups fast!
Though .loc is fast in Modin, it is not as fast as Pandas because of the extra layer between the data and the Index. Still, the lookup should be within a few milliseconds of Pandas — and still well within the window of fast interactive performance.


Thanks for reading part one of our ultimate guide to indexing in Pandas (and the third article in our Professional Pandas series). In this article we introduced using Pandas loc to select rows and columns. You should have a good understanding of the different inputs that the .loc index accepts.
To practice and further improve your skills, try using .loc on your own datasets and see how you can effectively index and slice your data. Don't forget to also review the common gotchas discussed in this tutorial to avoid any pitfalls when using these indexing attributes.

Finally, follow Ponder on social media to be alerted when subsequent articles are released and feel free to ask any questions you might have. And if you liked this, check out our previous Professional Pandas posts on the Pandas assign method / chaining and the Pandas merge method.

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Ponder is the company driving Modin and pushing to scale Pandas with you. If you want to seamlessly scale your Pandas code on top of your existing SQL infrastructure, sign up for a free trial of our product!

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